Parent Category: Education
in Design
Hits: 254
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Scribus is an application for professional visual layout of printed documents (newspapers, magazines, brochures, literature, etc.) capable of creating high-quality pages for any purpose - be it replication for printing or electronic distribution.
Scribus supports all the features of professional publishing systems, such as extensive capabilities for layout and pre-press preparation of text, the CMYK color model, Spot Colors, the ICC color output management system, and the creation of PDF files.
This is similar to AdobeInDesign or QuarkXPress.

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Parent Category: Education
in Design
Hits: 281
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BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system that includes interactive 3D solid geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, network-distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools, path-tracing and photon mapping support for realistic image synthesis, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, an embedded scripting interface, and libraries for robust high-performance geometric representation and analysis.

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Parent Category: Education
in Design
Hits: 227
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LibreCad - CAD for 2D drawing and design. Allows you to solve 2D design problems, such as preparing engineering and construction drawings, such as building plans, interior plans, machine parts or diagrams and diagrams.

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Parent Category: Education
in Design
Hits: 260
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FreeCAD is an extensible CAD/CAM system that includes some key concepts such as macro recording, workspaces, the ability to run as a server, and dynamically loaded application extensions.

FreeCAD can import and display CAD models in IGES, STEP and BRep formats, as well as meshes in STL, BMS, AST and Wavefront OBJ formats.

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Parent Category: Education
in Design
Hits: 240
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KediCAD is a 2D analogue of AutoCAD.

This program has a simulation feature that allows you to make expected changes to general drawings.

KediCAD can also be used to create a drawing of the moment of inertial calculations and calculation of bends.


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Parent Category: Education
in Science
Hits: 804
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Vym (View Your Mind) is a mind diagramming program. It is useful for organizing thoughts and working on structuring something.
A connection diagram (mind map, mindmap) is a color radial diagram with an image in the center, illustrating semantic and other connections between parts of scientific material.
For example, it can graphically illustrate the structure of a dissertation plan, a project plan, or the structure of government institutions in an area.
Communication diagrams have many applications in personal, family, educational, and business situations.
Opportunities include note-taking, brainstorming, summarizing, revising, and general clarification of thoughts.

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Parent Category: Applications
in Office
Hits: 229
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Dia is a program for creating diagrams, graphs, flowcharts, etc.
There is support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams), relationship diagrams, electronic elements, flow diagrams, network diagrams and many others.
Dia includes a large number of graphic elements for drawing various diagrams: block diagrams, electrical diagrams, chemistry, Cisco and others.
Diagrams are saved in XML format (additionally compressed using gzip), and export to JPEG, EPS, SVG, XFIG, WMF, PNG and other formats is also supported. You can import new objects into Dia, which are described in XML files.
Dia is extensible with new sets of objects that are described using files in an XML-based format.

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Parent Category: Education
Hits: 197
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Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is a game aimed at teaching programming through fun. You play the role of an astronaut traveling with robot assistants in search of a planet to colonize.
The game features real-time 3D graphics and the C++ and Java-like object-oriented language CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game.

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Parent Category: Education
Hits: 1623
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Bluefish is a powerful editor designed for programmers and web developers. It has many options for creating websites, scripts and program code. Bluefish supports various programming languages, markup languages and has many features, including:
- Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion
- Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc.
- Site upload and download
- Powerful search and replace engine
- Snippets plugin to automate often used code
- Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support

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Parent Category: Education
Hits: 902
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Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are:
* Compiler frontend to many free compilers
* Debugger frontend for GDB
* Source formatter (based on AStyle)
* Wizard to create new C++ classes
* Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress)
* Default MIME handler
* Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins
* To-do list
* Extensible wizard based on scripts
* Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash)

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