Everything for education and organization of the educational process
(designed for MS Windows)
Great for any category: from primary schools to higher education institutions.
The kit contains free programs (which are free functional analogues of expensive software) for educational institutions of all levels from preschool to university (junior, middle and high schools, lyceums, colleges, as well as higher educational institutions such as institutes, universities and others).
It includes a wide selection of educational programs that are successfully used in different countries, covering such topics as: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geography, development, programming, electronics, graphics, video, music, multimedia, games for children's development, memory training, language learning, design systems (CAD/CAM).
There are also tools aimed at teachers for organizing the educational process and documentation on training to work with various programs.
Thus, we strive to help and provide educational institutions with a cheaper alternative to expensive software that will meet all the necessary requirements and help in education and the organization of the educational process.
All programs are presented in the kit for a Linux-based operating system, which in the future can significantly facilitate the change of platform from the expensive MS Windows to a more cost-effective alternative - Ubuntu EducationPack.
Using Windows EducationPack you get:
- wide selection of educational programs;
- economic benefits, without the need to purchase expensive programs.
In EducationPack awaits you:
- teacher control of students' computers;
- online management and training system, collective teaching, learning and testing;
- creation of scheduled busy educational institutions to distribute the load on teachers;
- a set of administrative programs for schools;
- interactive whiteboard application;
- educational games for children from 2 years of age (development of memory, attention);
- programs for studying algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, geography, astronomy, etc.;
- visual development environments for programming in C/C++, PHP, Pascal, Java, BASIC, Python;
- automated CAD / CAM design systems;
- various training documentation on working with programs.
as well as:
- dynamic geometric environment; solving and plotting mathematical expressions; computer algebra system (CAS);
- a package of applied mathematical programs that provides a powerful environment for engineering (technical) and scientific calculations;
- drawing and calculations of chemical structures; viewing macromolecules and preparing their images for publication; editor of chemical schemes and reactions;
- schematic creation of electronic circuits, graphic simulators of computer networks and electrical circuits;
- design of electronic devices and printed circuit boards;
- work with electronic maps (GIS);
- programs for training memory, hearing, vision.
Celestia - exploration of the Universe in a detailed space simulator
Gpredict - satellite tracking
Kstars - tabletop planetarium
Stellarium - Planetarium
XTide - provides tide and current forecasts
Avogadro - Molecular Design and Modeling System
Chemtool - Drawing and calculations of chemical structures
Gabedit QC - GUI for Ab Initio packages
PyMOL - molecular graphics system
UGENE - bioinformatics for the molecular biologist
Etoys - multimedia development environment for modeling
Numpty Physics - applying the laws of physics to various subjects
Xaos - viewing fractals with zoom function
Algodoo (Phun) - multi-simulation of physical processes
Marble - Table globe
GRASS GIS - geographic information system
QGIS - geographic information system
Viking - editor, analyzer and viewer of GPS data
Google Earth - three-dimensional model of the Earth
Merkaator - a program for working with electronic cards
AlgoBox - Algorithmics and programming in high school and college
GeoGebra - visual teaching of geometry
GRETL - Regression, Econometrics and Time Series Library
X Abacus - imitation of an ancient calculator
RKWard - interface to the statistics language R
wxMaxima - computer algebra system
Scilab - OpenSource analogue of MathLab
SMath Studio - math program with units support
Dr.Geo - geometry training program
MathMod - construction of 3D/4D mathematical surfaces
Mars Sim - simulation of human settlements on Mars
fityk - free peak analyzer
ParaView - parallel interactive scientific visualization
VYM - connection visualization tool
Veusz - construction of 2D and 3D scientific graphs
Gramps - helps you keep track of your family tree
Klavaro - keyboard trainer
WordNet - lexical database of the English language
Anki - a program for memorizing foreign words
Mnemosyne - memory tutor program
StarDict - multilingual dictionary
GCompris - Educational game for children from 2 to 10 years old
Ri-li - “snake” game as a toy railroad
Childsplay - a set of educational games for young children
eduActiv8 - exploring various topics in preschool education
gBrainy - developing your thinking and lifting your mood
glpeces - Tangram puzzle game
DreamChess - 3D chess
Fritzing - electronic design
QElectroTech - design (drawing, editing) electrical circuits
GNS3 - graphical simulator of computer networks
Qucs - universal electrical circuit simulator
KiCad - development of electronic circuits and printed circuit boards
EasyEDA - electronics design system
Scribus - document layout (QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign)
LibreCad - computer-aided design system
QCaD - professional CAD system
BRL-CAD - solid modeling
Kile - an integrated environment for composing LaTeX documents
FreeCAD - extensible CAD/CAM system
Blender - 3D modeling and rendering system
Tux Paint - drawing program for children from 3 to 12 years old
Pencil2D - creating hand-drawn animation using raster and vector graphics
GIMP - raster graphics editor (Adobe Photoshop)
Inkscape - vector graphics editor (Corel Draw)
Hugin - creating panoramic and “mosaic” (composite) photographs
Pinta - a simple graphic editor
Synfig Studio - creating 2D vector animation
Krita - raster image editor
Bluefish - editor for programmers and web developers
Code::Blocks - integrated development environment
Colobot - a strategy game that teaches programming
Geany - fast and easy development environment
KDevelop - IDE for C/C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP
Lazarus - development environment in Pascal (Delphi)
Thonny - Python IDE for Beginners
Scratch - a simple programming environment for children aged 8 years and above
Greenfoot - teach and learn Java programming
BASIC-256 - educational programming environment in BASIC for children
KuMir (Set of Educational WORLDS) - programming system
CodeLite - powerful and lightweight IDE for C/C++/PHP/Javascript
Eric - a full-featured IDE for Python
FlameRobin - a full-featured IDE for Python
NetBeans - IDE for Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++, ADA
U++ - IDE for C++ development
Notepad++ - code editor and notepad replacement
wxMEdit - Text/Hex editor
XAMPP - Apache + MariaDB + PHP + Perl
Valentina Studio - work with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
Hydrogen - advanced drum machine / step sequencer
FluidSynth - real-time software MIDI synthesizer
MuseScore - music editor
Audacity - audio editor for sound processing
TuxGuitar - multi-track editor and guitar tablature player (gp3-gp5)
Denemo - graphic editor of musical notes for Lilypond
Kdenlive - non-linear video editor
OpenShot - non-linear video editor
qStopMotion - creation of stop-motion animated films
LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) - studio for creating music
PianoBooster - learn to play the piano
VokoscreenNG - recording video from the screen
VLC - multimedia player and multimedia data translator
Shotcut - video editor
Calibre - library for cataloging electronic books
FET - schedule generator for schools and universities
LibreOffice - a complete replacement for Microsoft Office
WPSOffice - office suite with MS Office 2016 interface
Veyon - monitoring and management of a computer class
Xournal++ - take handwritten notes with ease
Zoom - communication platform
Gobby - collaborative editor
gImageReader - Tesseract OCR text recognition system
OpenBoard - interactive whiteboard application