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20 random programs from the category

Kalzium - периодическая таблица и инструменты связанные с химией

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содержит гораздо больше информации о периодической системе Менделеева, чем любой студент университета когда-либо хотел бы узнать. Приложение также решает химические уравнения, показывает изображения элементов и содержит полезный словарь терминов

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FreeCAD - FreeCAD - extensible CAD/CAM system

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FreeCAD is an extensible CAD/CAM system that includes some key concepts such as macro recording, workspaces, the ability to run as a server, and dynamically loaded application extensions.

FreeCAD can import and display CAD models in IGES, STEP and BRep formats, as well as meshes in STL, BMS, AST and Wavefront OBJ formats.

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Veusz - construction of 2D and 3D scientific graphs

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Veusz is a 2D and 3D scientific plotting and graphing package, designed to produce publication-ready PDF, SVG, Postscript and bitmap output.
Veusz provides a GUI, command line and scripting interface (based on Python) to its plotting facilities.
The plots are built using an object-based system to provide a consistent interface.

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