Ubuntu EducationPack
Designed to help organize the educational process and provide the opportunity to organize quality training using modern information technologies.
Has high software security against viruses.
The out-of-the-box distributor provides a fully customized solution aimed at covering requests for educational institutions of all levels from preschool to university (junior, middle and senior classes of schools, lyceums, colleges, as well as higher education institutions such as institutes, universities and others).
The distribution includes a wide selection of pre-installed educational programs that are successfully used in different countries, covering such topics as: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geography, development, programming, electronics, graphics, video, music, multimedia, games for children's development, memory training, language learning.
Teacher-oriented tools for organizing the educational process are also included.
It is perfectly suited for installation on computers with limited Internet connection or located in a closed corporate network of an educational institution. It contains tools for deploying diskless workspaces for students.
Considering that a large number of educational programs are also available for Windows, the distribution package comes pre-installed with the WINE package, which will allow you to run them.
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Diskless training spaces will allow you to use old (morally and technically obsolete) computers as full-fledged modern workstations (LTSP clients), which boot over the network without the need to install a system on them. In this case, the home directories of the users are located centrally on the teacher’s computer.
Thus, we strive to help and provide educational institutions with a cheaper alternative to expensive software that will meet all the necessary requirements and help in education and organization of the educational process.
Using EducationPack you get a wide selection of educational programs (which are free functional analogues of expensive software) and economic benefits.
Ubuntu EducationPack THIS IS:
This will facilitate the learning process when using them in the future on different platforms.
The distribution contains:
- control of students' computers by the teacher;
- a system of management and training online; collective teaching, learning and testing;
- creating timetables for classes of educational institutions for distributing the burden on teachers;
- a set of administrative programs for schools;
- educational games for children from 2 years (development of memory, attention);
- programs for studying
- algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, geography, astronomy, drawing, music
- electronics, engineering graphics, 2D and 3D graphics, work with video and audio, etc.;
- visual development environments for programming languages in Basic, Pascal, Delphi / Lazarus, C/C++, C#, Java, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, LISP, Mono / .NET;
- powerful mathematical packages that are not inferior in functionality to commercial analogues - Maxima, Scilab, Octave;
and also:
- dynamic geometric environment; solution and construction of graphs of mathematical expressions; Computer algebra system (CAS);
- a package of applied mathematical programs that provides a powerful environment for engineering (technical) and scientific calculations;
- drawing and calculations of chemical structures; viewing macro molecules and preparing to publish their images; editor of chemical schemes and reactions;
- schematic creation of electronic circuits, graphic simulators of computer networks and electrical circuits;
- digital oscilloscope; design of electronic devices and printed circuit boards;
- work with electronic maps (GIS);
- programs for training memory, hearing, sight.
the kit is divided into three independent operating systems with the installation media size not exceeding DVD
celestia - exploration of the Universe in a detailed space simulator
kstars - tabletop planetarium, observation planning and telescope control
gpredict - satellite tracking
xtide - provides tide and current forecasts
gabedit - GUI for Ab Initio packages
gelemental - view the periodic table of chemical elements
kalzium - periodic table and tools related to chemistry
step - simulation of physical experiments
xaos - viewing fractals with zoom function
numptyphysics - a puzzle game that applies the laws of physics to drawn objects
google-earth - satellite images of the entire earth's surface
grass - system for supporting the analysis of geographic resources GIS
kgeography - a guide for studying geography
marble-qt - desktop globe and maps
merkaartor - map editor for OpenStreetMap.org
viking - editing, analyzing and viewing GPS data
gpscorrelate-gui - a program for linking digital photos to GPS data
libreoffice-math - writing mathematical and chemical formulas
cantor-backend - wrapper for kalgebra maxima octave
octave - high-level language for numerical calculations
kalgebra - algebraic calculator for plotting
wxmaxima - interface for the computer algebra system Maxima
maxima - computer algebra system
drgeo - interactive geometric program
geogebra - visual teaching of geometry
gretl - library of regressions, econometrics and time series
kbruch - tutorial on fractions
kig - interactive geometry tool
kmplot - mathematical function plotter
xmabacus - imitation of an ancient calculator
rocs - integrated development environment for graph theory
algobox - introduction to algorithms
mathmod - construction of 3D/4D mathematical surfaces
fityk - free peak analyzer
mars-sim - simulation of human settlements on Mars
vym - mind diagram tool
veusz - construction of 2D and 3D scientific graphs
ktouch - touch typing tutor
kwordquiz - flashcard learning program
parley - vocabulary trainer
klavaro - flexible keyboard trainer
verbiste - declension of French and Italian verbs
kiten - reference and educational manual on the Japanese language
wordnet-gui - electronic lexical database of the English language
kanagram - jumbled word puzzle
khangman - Gallows puzzle
klettres - learning a foreign alphabet
gnome-dictionary - dictionary using Internet databases
anki - an extensible flashcard program
stardict - search in international dictionaries
ulcc - teaching children using pictures
qabcs - a training program for learning the alphabet and getting to know the keyboard
blinken - a memory training game
gamine - a game for children over 2 years old who have not yet learned to use the keyboard
gcompris-qt - educational game for children from 2 to 10 years old
ktuberling - a game for young children with several tasks
ri-li - toy train simulator
atomix - puzzle game for creating molecules from individual atoms
eduactiv8 - (pysiogame) educational game for children from 3 to 10 years old
gbrainy - puzzles and exercises for the development of logical thinking
glpeces - Tangram puzzle game
dreamchess - 3D chess
gmult is a multiplication game where your task is to guess which letters represent which number.
libreoffice-draw - vector graphics editor, as well as graphs, diagrams, etc.
pencil2d - creating hand-drawn animation using raster and vector graphics
gimp - a powerful raster graphics editor
inkscape - a powerful vector graphics editor
xfig - interactive creation of drawings
kolourpaint - a simple image editor and painting application
pinta - raster graphics editor, alternative to Paint.NET
synfigstudio - creating 2D vector animation
hugin - creating panoramic photographs
tuxpaint - drawing program for children from 3 to 12 years old
gramps - program for genealogical research
fet - schedule generator for educational institutions
libreoffice - office suite
liferea - RSS feed reader
veyon - computer monitoring and classroom management
epoptes - computer laboratory management tool
wine - a tool for launching Windows programs
ltsp - use of one powerful computer by other users
xournalpp - take notes, sketch and journal with a stylus
gobby - text editor for collaborative editing
gimagereader - Tesseract OCR text recognition system
openboard - application for interactive whiteboard
blender - fast and flexible 3D modeling and rendering system
hydrogen - drum machine / step sequencer
fluidsynth - real-time software MIDI synthesizer
qsynth - interface to the MIDI synthesizer FluidSynth
musescore3 - music editor
audacity - sound editor
tuxguitar - multi-track editor and guitar tablature player
terminatorx - real-time sound synthesizer
denemo - graphical music notation editor for Lilypond
rosegarden - music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer
kdenlive - non-linear video editor
openshot-qt - video editor
qstopmotion - creation of stop-motion animated films
lmms - multimedia studio for Linux
pianobooster - learn to play the piano
vokoscreen-ng pipewire - easy-to-use screencast creator
vlc - multimedia player and multimedia data translator
shotcut - video editor
pitivi - non-linear audio/video editor
easyeda - electronics design system
fritzing - simple electronic design
gns3-gui - graphical computer network simulator
kicad - design of electronic circuits and printed circuit boards
oregano - tool for schematic capture of electronic circuits
qelectrotech - electrical circuit editor
qucs-s - universal simulator of electrical circuits
xoscope - digital oscilloscope
scribus-ng - desktop publishing system
librecad - computer-aided design (CAD) system
qcad - professional CAD system
gcad3d - CADCAM software
freecad - extensible CAD/CAM system
brlcad - expandable CAD/CAM system
sweethome3d - interior design
kedicad2b - two-dimensional analogue of AutoCAD
colobot - a strategy game that teaches programming
scratch - a simple programming environment for children aged 8 years and above
kturtle - environment for learning programming
greenfoot - teach and learn Java programming
gambas3 - visual development environment in BASIC
basic256 - educational BASIC programming environment for children
visualfbeditor - visual IDE for FreeBasic
lazarus-project - visual development environment in Pascal (Delphi)
libreoffice-base - creating databases and working with them
flamerobin - Firebird DBMS administration tool
vstudio - work with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
kdevelop - IDE for C/C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP
thonny - Python development environment for beginners
eric - a full-featured IDE for Python
codelite - powerful and lightweight IDE for C/C++/PHP/Javascript
apache-netbeans - IDE for Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++, ADA
bluefish - editor for programmers and web developers
codeblocks - integrated program development environment
geany - small and fast development environment
gnome-builder - development environment for GNOME
umbrello - UML modeling with code generation capabilities
ddd - graphical interface for debuggers: GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB and others
wxmedit - Text/Hex editor
crystal-facet-uml - diagrammatic documentation tool for system and software architecture
Programs that are not included in the main package, but you can easily install them from the UALinux repository:
- Stellarium - real-time photorealistic sky generator
- Avogadro - Molecular Design and Modeling System
- PyMOL - molecular graphics system
- UGENE - bioinformatics for the molecular biologist
- QGIS - geographic information system
- KWard - interface to R statistical language
- Scilab - scientific software package for numerical calculations (MatLab analog)
- ParaView - parallel interactive scientific visualization
- Color by Numbers - a coloring book for children
- Krita - raster image editor
- Calibre - powerful e-book cataloging manager
- Zoom - organization of video conferences
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