"Secure platform for running virtual machines and containers Proxmox VE"

Implements protection of information with limited access (ISI) (including official information, confidential personal information (personal data), information constituting a trade secret, etc.)

A set of security services: {КА-1, КА-2, КО-1, ЦА-1, ЦА-2, ЦО-1, ДР-1, ДС-3, ДЗ-2, ДВ-2, НР-3, НИ-3, НК-2, НО-3, НЦ-1, НТ-3, НВ-1} implemented in accordance with the level of guarantees of security services Г-2 for automated systems of classes AC-2, AC-3.

UALINUX is the owner of a positive expert opinion from the SSSCIP of Ukraine on PROXMOX VE versions 6, 7 and 8 on the compliance of the software with regulatory documents on TZI. PROXMOX VE is included in the list of information technical protection means allowed to ensure the technical protection of state information resources and information.

The expert opinion is valid only if the software product is purchased from UALINUX LLC or its official verified partners, and a full range of technical support is provided (administrator instructions and secure mode parameters, access to closed storage for system updates).

In detail ...

Proxmox VE / Virtual Environment

Is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It tightly integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux Containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality, on a single platform. With the integrated web-based user interface you can manage VMs and containers, high availability for clusters, or the integrated disaster recovery tools with ease.

The enterprise-class features and a 100% software-based focus make Proxmox VE the perfect choice to virtualize your IT infrastructure, optimize existing resources, and increase efficiencies with minimal expense. You can easily virtualize even the most demanding of Linux and Windows application workloads, and dynamically scale computing and storage as your needs grow, ensuring that your data center adjusts for future growth.

Details on the developer's website ...

Proxmox Mail Gateway

Is the leading open-source email security solution helping you to protect your mail server against all email threats from the moment they emerge. The flexible architecture combined with the userfriendly, web-based management interface, allows IT professionals and businesses to control all incoming and outgoing emails with ease, and to protect their users from spam, viruses, phishing and trojans.

Organizations of any size can easily deploy and implement the anti-spam and anti-virus platform in just a few minutes. The full featured mail proxy is deployed between the firewall and the internal mail server, and allows to control all email traffic from a single platform. Proxmox helps you to easily maintain a secure and professional email communication, ensure business continuity, and gain high business reputation as well as customer satisfaction.

Details on the developer's website ...

Proxmox Backup Server

Is an enterprise backup solution, for backing up and restoring VMs, containers, and physical hosts. By supporting incremental, fully deduplicated backups, Proxmox Backup Server significantly reduces network load and saves valuable storage space. With strong encryption and methods of ensuring data integrity, you can feel safe when backing up data, even to targets which are not fully trusted.

In modern datacenters, the primary focus is on minimizing downtime and keeping data safe. For this reason, reliable backup software is among the most essential infrastructure components that you can invest in. To increase productivity, the easy-to-use Proxmox Backup Server lets you back up your data in a space-efficient manner, restore it in a flash, and effectively reduce work hours thanks to simplified management with a web-based user interface.

Details on the developer's website ...