Rules of passing the tests

  1. For the correct operation of the testing system, you must register on the site.
  2. Testing is free of charge.
  3. Testing is performed online with a constant connection to the Internet. If the connection is broken, you will need to pass the test first.
  4. The total number of questions in the tests can be from 20 to 40 pieces, which are randomly selected from the base. Depending on the question, 15 to 30 seconds are allotted for the answer.
  5. For a positive assessment, you must answer 80% of the questions correctly. In the case when 100% of the proposed questions are answered correctly, the category MASTER is assigned.
  6. Questions may contain several answers:
    - markers opposite the answers in the form of a circle mean that only 1 answer is possible;
    - markers opposite the answers in the form of a square mean that both one and several possible answers are possible.
  7. Questions that you have not answered are considered incorrect.
  8. Upon completion of the test, the result and the total % correct answers are given without indicating which question was answered incorrectly.

In case of successful completion of the exam, you can .

If you want to take part in the creation and testing of new tests,
Then we are waiting for your suggestions on our forum.