ubuntu certified

An operating system that allows you to deploy a Linux server or an Enterprise-level server cluster.

Ubuntu ServerPack is free to download

Ubuntu ServerPack - designed for use in both open and closed (without the ability to access the Internet) corporate networks of enterprises / firms / government agencies. It can be easily implemented into existing IT infrastructure and corporate networks. Interaction with workstations Windows, Linux, Mac is possible.
It is easy to install and maintain, quick to deploy, and covers all aspects of both the Internet and a closed corporate environment.
It is a threat-proof software solution for deploying an organization's infrastructure services that spans all information flows with a focus on simplicity, usability, reliability, and security.

Main advantages:

  • ease of deployment;
  • convenient and efficient administration;
  • high reliability and high security;
  • high performance and stable performance;
  • unlimited scalability;
  • low total cost of ownership.

System requirements:

Ubuntu ServerPack is a lightweight and resource-intensive server. It is certified and works with the most popular server hardware from leading manufacturers. It supports systems with any number of processors and RAM.
Your server should have at least 256 MB of RAM and 4 GB of disk space.

Ubuntu ServerPack allows you to:

  • reduce IT costs by more than 80% through the use of open technologies;
  • organize stable operation of servers;
  • improve the performance of computer centers;
  • simplify the process of setting up a new server;
  • ensure the highest security of IT systems;
  • convenient, efficient system administration via web access with the ability to create non-standard configurations, such as static IP address allocation, use of LVM, RAID or iSCSI volumes, etc.

What is included in this kit:

These are common services, such as a web server, email, a file server, a database server, DNS, DHCP, LDAP, VPN, XMPP and all other features of Ubuntu Server, as well as many other service and server services:

  • building your own cloud file storage;
  • organization of centralized control over the infrastructure of servers and workstations of an enterprise running Linux, Mac and Windows, as well as mobile computers in a heterogeneous environment (some functions: maintaining an inventory database of computers, installing and updating applications on a group of machines, diagnosing services, remote management);
  • organization of a centralized database of users and computers with integration with server applications such as Samba, Postfix, Squid and CUPS. Management is carried out through a special web-interface and is an alternative to Active Directory from Microsoft;
  • creation of reliable storage systems and backup systems;
  • creation of a video surveillance system with a response to the movement;
  • creation of terminal solutions for non-disk stations;
  • everything you need to organize an Internet provider for your home network;
  • creating a video conferencing server;
  • creation of an anti-virus gateway that allows detecting and destroying viruses in passing email, while browsing web pages and on file servers;

and also more than 500 different services.

Protected version

There is also "Protected Ubuntu Server*Pack" / UALinux Secured*Pack
, which has a positive expert opinion SSSCPI of Ukraine.