About company

Company "UALinux" is a provider of development and implementation of licensed software based on GNU/Linux among small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine.
An integrated approach, high professionalism and responsibility of our specialists, speed and quality of work allow our clients to make the most efficient use of their own resources to increase the competitiveness, legality, transparency and profitability of their business.
We are a reliable partner in a business that is able to clearly and quickly fulfill its obligations.

Our goal is to popularize GNU/Linux among ordinary users by not just promoting this or that type of software, but creating a layer of highly qualified and educated professionals who can effectively use and maintain modern telecommunication and information technologies in the widest fields of activity.


Official Ubuntu Software Partner

Developer and distributor of the Ubuntu*Pack operating system


Developer of the Protected Operating System UALinux SecuredPack (Secured OS Ubuntu*Pack)
which has a positive Expert Opinion of the SSSCIP of Ukraine
with the level of guarantees G-3
for automated systems of class AC-1, AC-2, AC-3

Proxmox official reseller in Ukraine

Official Partner and Distributor of PROXMOX

Owner of a positive Expert Opinion from the SSSCIP of Ukraine
on "Proxmox VE Secure Virtualization Platform 6, 7, 8 versions"

Zimbra VAR-Authorized Ukraine

Official partner of ZIMBRA

State registration of the UserAndLINUX magazine

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<a href="http://ualinux.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://ualinux.com/images/ualinux/ualinux.png" alt="Linux для всех" /></a>