Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine (step sequencer). The main goal is to create a professional yet simple and intuitive instrument based on drum programming patterns.
KuMir (Set of Educational WORLDS) is a programming system designed to support initial computer science and programming courses in secondary and high schools.
✔ The KuMir system uses a school algorithmic language with Russian vocabulary and built-in executors Robot and Draftsman;
✔ When entering a program, KuMir carries out constant full control of its correctness, reporting in the fields of the program about all detected errors;
✔ When executing a program in step-by-step mode, KuMir displays the results of assignment operations and the values of logical expressions in the fields. This allows you to speed up the process of mastering the basics of programming.
FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications and has become widely used. FluidSynth itself does not have a graphical user interface, but thanks to its powerful API, several applications use it and it has even found its way into embedded systems and some mobile applications.
Qsynth - GUI for FluidSynth.
This is an easy-to-use, yet powerful audio file editor.
It works with a mixer built into a personal computer system, as well as external audio media.
It provides for the integration of effects: reversal, echo, phase vibrato (phaser), dynamic timbre change (wahwah).
In the editor, you can remove defects from the audio track: hiss, static noise, hum, and also adjust the pitch and tempo.
Works with formats: WAV, Ogg Vorbis, AIFF, AU, MP3, MPEG.
KTurtle is an educational programming environment that uses the TurtleScript programming language (inspired by the logo) to make programming as easy and accessible as possible.
The user issues TurtleScript language commands to control the "turtle" as it draws on the canvas, making KTurtle suitable for teaching basic math, geometry, and programming
Scratch is a simple, interactive, collaborative software development environment for creating interactive stories, animations, games, music, and graphics—and publishing them on the Internet. Scratch is designed to help children (ages 8 and up) implement 21st century educational skills. As they create Scratch projects, children learn important math and computer concepts and gain a deeper understanding of the design process.
Valentina Studio provides the ability to create, edit, SQL queries, import and administer popular databases: Valentina DB, MySQL, SQLite and Postgre SQL using the following tools:
- diagram and diagram editor
- data editor
- SQL editor
- administration, diagnostics, compression, cloning, database defragmentation
and much more.
qStopMotion - creating frame-by-frame animated films from images imported from a camera or computer.
The resulting animation can be exported to various video formats, such as mpeg or avi.
A MIDI file player/game that displays the musical notes AND teaches you how to play the piano.
PianoBooster is a fun way of playing along with a musical accompaniment and at the same time learning the basics of reading musical notation.
The difference between playing along to a CD or a standard MIDI file is that PianoBooster listens and reacts to what you are playing on a MIDI keyboard.
To run Piano Booster you need a MIDI Piano Keyboard and a MIDI interface for the PC. If you don't have a MIDI keyboard you can still try out PianoBooster, using the PC keyboard ('x' is middle C), but a MIDI piano is really recommended.
Shotcut supports many video, audio and image formats thanks to FFmpeg.
It uses a timeline for non-linear editing of multiple tracks, which can consist of different file formats.