Parent Category: Education
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Lazarus is an integrated cross-platform software development environment in a Delphi-like environment in the Object Pascal language for the Free Pascal Compiler (often abbreviated FPC).
It is currently the only Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool that allows Delphi programmers to create GUI applications for Linux (and other non-Windows) systems.
Allows you to easily transfer Delphi programs with a graphical interface to various operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Android.

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Parent Category: Education
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KDevelop is a free integrated development environment (IDE). There is source code navigation and debugging for projects in different programming languages, work with different build and version control systems, and all this is implemented on a modular basis.

KDevelop can analyze code in C, C++ and Javascript/QML, and there are also external modules for PHP and Python.

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Parent Category: Education
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IDLE is an Integrated Development Environment for Python.
IDLE is written using Tkinter and is therefore available on different operating systems.

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Parent Category: Education
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Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment.

The basic features of Geany are:
- syntax highlighting
- code completion
- auto completion of constructs like if, for and while, XML and HTML
- call tips
- many supported filetypes like C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal
- symbol lists
- embedded terminal emulation

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Parent Category: Education
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An object-oriented dialect of the BASIC language, complemented by an integrated development environment and running on GNU/Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems.

It is a tool similar to Visual Basic in terms of developing Basic programs.

Gambas was conceived as an alternative for Microsoft Visual Basic developers who decided to switch to GNU/Linux

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Parent Category: Education
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Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are:
* Compiler frontend to many free compilers
* Debugger frontend for GDB
* Source formatter (based on AStyle)
* Wizard to create new C++ classes
* Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress)
* Default MIME handler
* Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins
* To-do list
* Extensible wizard based on scripts
* Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash)

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Parent Category: Education
Hits: 1623
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Bluefish is a powerful editor designed for programmers and web developers. It has many options for creating websites, scripts and program code. Bluefish supports various programming languages, markup languages and has many features, including:
- Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion
- Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc.
- Site upload and download
- Powerful search and replace engine
- Snippets plugin to automate often used code
- Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support

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Parent Category: Education
Hits: 197
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Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is a game aimed at teaching programming through fun. You play the role of an astronaut traveling with robot assistants in search of a planet to colonize.
The game features real-time 3D graphics and the C++ and Java-like object-oriented language CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game.

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Parent Category: Education
in Games
Hits: 801
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Каждая из книжек проекта Color by Numbers посвящена одной тематике (цветам, животным, автомобилям, принцессам и др...). В каждой книжке имеется музыкальное и звуковое сопровождение, а так же по двадцать рисунков для раскрашивания, рисунки могут быть раскрашены тремя способами...

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Parent Category: Education
Hits: 822
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Игра рассчитана для детей от 2-х лет и обучение проводит в игровой форме. Игра помогает маленьким детям запоминать буквы и цифры, тогда как дети повзрослее могут с её помощью улучшить своё произношение и словарный запас. Также игра развивает у детей, такие важные сейчас, навыки работы с клавиатурой и мышью.
Вы можете использовать более одного изображения для каждого слова, больше одного слова для каждой буквы, и можете добавлять изображения без перекомпоновки программы

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