Blender is a complex 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-processing, interactive creation and playback (games).
With its help, static pictures, animation, models for games, as well as interactive information content in the form of independent programs are created.
It is possible to automate the program using Python scripts. In particular, import and export to popular file formats, such as 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj, are implemented in the form of scripts.
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A simple drawing program for young children from 3 to 12 years old (eg kindergarten and primary school).
It is not an ordinary drawing tool. It's simple and fun to use. Sound effects and the animated nature of the program will help the user understand what is happening on the screen and will try to cheer him up.
You can draw using brushes or make shaped prints using stamps. For example, a teacher can make several animal figures and ask the children to draw the surrounding space in which they live.
Each shape has a melody and text prompts that are played and displayed when the child selects a shape.
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Vym (View Your Mind) is a mind diagramming program. It is useful for organizing thoughts and working on structuring something.
A connection diagram (mind map, mindmap) is a color radial diagram with an image in the center, illustrating semantic and other connections between parts of scientific material.
For example, it can graphically illustrate the structure of a dissertation plan, a project plan, or the structure of government institutions in an area.
Communication diagrams have many applications in personal, family, educational, and business situations.
Opportunities include note-taking, brainstorming, summarizing, revising, and general clarification of thoughts.
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KediCAD is a 2D analogue of AutoCAD.
This program has a simulation feature that allows you to make expected changes to general drawings.
KediCAD can also be used to create a drawing of the moment of inertial calculations and calculation of bends.
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LibreCad - CAD for 2D drawing and design. Allows you to solve 2D design problems, such as preparing engineering and construction drawings, such as building plans, interior plans, machine parts or diagrams and diagrams.
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BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system that includes interactive 3D solid geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, network-distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools, path-tracing and photon mapping support for realistic image synthesis, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, an embedded scripting interface, and libraries for robust high-performance geometric representation and analysis.
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Scribus is an application for professional visual layout of printed documents (newspapers, magazines, brochures, literature, etc.) capable of creating high-quality pages for any purpose - be it replication for printing or electronic distribution.
Scribus supports all the features of professional publishing systems, such as extensive capabilities for layout and pre-press preparation of text, the CMYK color model, Spot Colors, the ICC color output management system, and the creation of PDF files.
This is similar to AdobeInDesign or QuarkXPress.
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qCAD is a professional CAD system, similar to AutoCAD, designed for creating mechanical engineering drawings and architectural plans. You can create technical drawings such as building plans, interior plans, mechanical plans, or schematics.
You can also easily create and edit drawings with ISO templates and save files in DXF format. The DXF format is used by many CAD systems.
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FreeCAD is an extensible CAD/CAM system that includes some key concepts such as macro recording, workspaces, the ability to run as a server, and dynamically loaded application extensions.
FreeCAD can import and display CAD models in IGES, STEP and BRep formats, as well as meshes in STL, BMS, AST and Wavefront OBJ formats.
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Каждая из книжек проекта Color by Numbers посвящена одной тематике (цветам, животным, автомобилям, принцессам и др...). В каждой книжке имеется музыкальное и звуковое сопровождение, а так же по двадцать рисунков для раскрашивания, рисунки могут быть раскрашены тремя способами...
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