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U++ - IDE for C++ development

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U++ is a cross-platform rapid application development environment in C++. Can work with GCC, Clang, MinGW and Visual C++ and contains a full-featured debugger.
Fast development comes from smart and aggressive use of C++, not fancy code generators. In this regard, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while retaining the runtime characteristics of C/C++.
The development environment includes BLITZ build technology for up to 4x faster C++ rebuilds, visual designers for U++ libraries, Topic++ for documenting code and creating rich text resources for applications (such as help and code documentation), and Assist++, a powerful C++ code analyzer , which provides features such as code completion, navigation, and transformation.

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NetBeans - IDE for Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++, ADA

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Integrated application development environment (IDE) in the programming languages Java, JavaFX, Ruby, Python, C++, PHP, JavaScript/HTML5, Groovy and several others. To support development for mobile platforms (J2ME), you must install the NetBeans Mobility Pack separately.

In terms of quality and capabilities, NetBeans IDE is not inferior to the best commercial (paid) integrated development environments, supporting refactoring, profiling, highlighting syntactic structures with color, autocompletion of typed structures on the fly, many predefined code templates, and more.

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StarDict - international dictionary lookup program

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StarDict is a cross-platform international dictionary lookup program.

Main features:
* Glob-style pattern matching search
* Fuzzy search
* Working from system tray
* Scanning mouse selection and showing pop-up windows with translation of selected words
* Pronouncing of the translated words
* Plugins support
* ..and more

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Krita - bitmap editor

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Krita is an application for working with raster images. It allows you to both create images from scratch and work with ready-made images. You can work from photos or scans, or start from scratch. Krita directly supports most graphics tablets.

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BASIC-256 - BASIC programming learning environment for children

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BASIC-256 is an easy-to-use version of BASIC designed to teach children the basics of programming. Uses traditional commands such as gosub, for/next, and goto, making it easy for children to understand program flow. It has a built-in graphics mode that allows you to draw a picture on the screen in a few minutes, as well as a set of detailed and simple tutorials that explain programming principles with fun examples.

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FreeCAD - FreeCAD - extensible CAD/CAM system

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FreeCAD is an extensible CAD/CAM system that includes some key concepts such as macro recording, workspaces, the ability to run as a server, and dynamically loaded application extensions.

FreeCAD can import and display CAD models in IGES, STEP and BRep formats, as well as meshes in STL, BMS, AST and Wavefront OBJ formats.

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QCaD - профессиональная CAD-система

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qCAD is a professional CAD system, similar to AutoCAD, designed for creating mechanical engineering drawings and architectural plans. You can create technical drawings such as building plans, interior plans, mechanical plans, or schematics.
You can also easily create and edit drawings with ISO templates and save files in DXF format. The DXF format is used by many CAD systems.

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Scribus - desktop publishing system (QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign)

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Scribus is an application for professional visual layout of printed documents (newspapers, magazines, brochures, literature, etc.) capable of creating high-quality pages for any purpose - be it replication for printing or electronic distribution.
Scribus supports all the features of professional publishing systems, such as extensive capabilities for layout and pre-press preparation of text, the CMYK color model, Spot Colors, the ICC color output management system, and the creation of PDF files.
This is similar to AdobeInDesign or QuarkXPress.

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BRL-CAD - solid modeling

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BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system that includes interactive 3D solid geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, network-distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools, path-tracing and photon mapping support for realistic image synthesis, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, an embedded scripting interface, and libraries for robust high-performance geometric representation and analysis.

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