CrossOver позволяет запускать офисные Windows-приложения в Linux.
Он отличается от Wine более узкой направленностью: в первую очередь он нацелен на поддержку наиболее востребованных приложений и игр для Windows. Например таких приложений как Microsoft Office разных версий, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Lotus Notes, Adobe Photoshop, Apple iTunes, Quicken и игр Skyrim, World Of Warcraft и много других.
В отличие от дополнений к Wine таких как PlayOnLinux все приложения и игры в CrossOver тщательно тестируется на совместимость и отлаживается, так что их работа обычно бывает стабильнее, чем в Wine.
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Microsoft Teams, Teams
Microsoft Teams — an enterprise platform that integrates chat, meetings, notes, and attachments into a workspace. Developed by Microsoft as a competitor to the popular corporate solution Slack.
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Zoom is a program for organizing video conferencing. It provides a video telephony service that allows you to connect up to 100 devices simultaneously for free, with a 40-minute limit for free accounts.
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Viber дозволяє безкоштовно відправляти повідомлення і здійснювати безкоштовні дзвінки іншим користувачам Viber на будь-якому пристрої і мережі, в будь-якій країні!
Viber синхронізується з вашим списком мобільних контактів, і автоматично виявляє які з ваших контактів есть в Viber.
✔ повідомлення: текстові, фото і стікери
✔ групові бесіди
✔ голосові дзвінки в HD-якості
✔ відеодзвінки
✔ повна синхронізація між клієнтами для мобільних пристроїв і ПК
✔ переміщення вхідних дзвінків між пристроями
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GCompris is a large collection of educational games and exercises for children from 2 to 10 years old. Some of the exercises are presented in a playful way, but they are also educational.
GCompris currently contains over 100 exercises. Here is a list of activity categories with some examples:
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This is a fully ready-to-use molecular visualization (molecular imaging) system for use in structural biology.
It allows to create high-quality three-dimensional images of both small molecules and biological macromolecules, primarily proteins.
About a quarter of all published images of protein structures in the scientific literature are made with PyMOL.
Posted in Chemistry
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VisualFBEditor is an IDE for FreeBasic with a visual designer, debugger, project support, etc.
Allows the development of both console and graphical applications for different platforms Linux, Windows, Android.
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Sweet Home 3D is an interior design program that allows you to select furniture elements and place them on the house plan drawn by the user in 2D (top view), with the ability to view the result in 3D.
Helps you virtually arrange furniture in the rooms of your home, choosing the most successful arrangement of interior elements.
You can use 3D models, which are available for free download on the official website.
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Caliber is a library for cataloging e-books. Includes library management, eBook viewer and editor, and synchronization features for eBook reading.
Allows you to convert e-books to a dozen different formats and back.
Supports synchronization with almost all e-book reading devices (for example, Kindle, Kobo, Nook).
Can automatically pull news from a range of websites/RSS feeds, format the news into an e-book and download to a connected device.
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gImageReader is a simple interface for tesseract-ocr. Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source optical character recognition (OCR) software available and can recognize text in over 60 languages.
It supports automatic detection of page layout, but the user can also manually define and configure recognition areas. You can import images from disk, scanning devices, clipboard and screenshots. Supports multi-page PDF documents. Recognized text is displayed directly next to the image, and basic text editing is possible, including search/replace and removing line breaks. Spell checking of output text is also supported if appropriate dictionaries are installed.
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