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Ubuntu GamePack 18.04 release - platforms for launching games

Available for download Ubuntu GamePack 18.04 - a system that includes means for guaranteed launch of more than 55,584 games and applications, both specially designed for the GNU / Linux platform, and developed for MS Windows and MS-DOS.
Ubuntu GamePack 16.04 has also been updated.

What's new regarding last release:

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Upgraded Windows EducationPack to 19.11

Updated and available for free download Windows EducationPack 19.11 - the most comprehensive collection of OpenSource software for the MS Windows operating system, designed to organize and simplify the learning process in educational institutions.

The supplement contains 70 educational and scientific applications and will be useful to schools (including elementary grades), lyceums and higher educational institutions (institutes, universities). Also in it there are programs for managing and controlling the educational process.

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Release Ubuntu BusinessPack 18.04 and update 16.04

Release distribution Ubuntu BusinessPack version 18.04 and update distribution previous version 16.04.

Ubuntu BusinessPack is:
✔ a full set of office components
✔ wide multimedia support including IP-TV
✔ support for launching windows-programs
✔ integration with Active Directory and FreeIPA domains
✔ work with digital signatures and secure media

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Ubuntu*Pack 18.04 got expert opinion SSSCIP Ukraine

"Ubuntu*Pack 18.04" received an expert opinion of the SSSCIP of Ukraine and entered the list of technical information protection tools allowed to provide technical protection of state information resources and information, the requirement for which protection is established by law, which allows its use in systems where information with limited information circulates access.

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