Windows EducationPack was updated to 24.05

Windows EducationPack 24.05 has been updated and is available for free download - the most complete collection of OpenSource software for the MS Windows operating system, designed to organize and simplify the learning process in educational institutions.

The supplement contains 113 programs for education and science and will be useful for both schools (including junior classes), lyceums, and higher educational institutions (institutes, universities). It also contains programs for managing and monitoring the educational process.

The add-on also contains documentation for working with more than 20 programs: OpenOffice, Blender, GIMP, Inkscape, Java Eclipse, Scilab, Scribus and others.

The content has been updated. Programs that currently no longer exist or have not been updated for a long time have been deleted, the remaining ones have been updated, and many new ones have been added.

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