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Protected Proxmox VE

Protected virtualization platform Proxmox VE 6 / 7 / 8
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"Protected platform for launching virtual machines and containers" Proxmox VE
version 6.x has an expert opinion No. 1221 dated February 18, 2021
version 7.x has an expert opinion No. 28EB dated August 16, 2022
version 8.x has an expert opinion No. 108ЕВ dated December 01, 2023
of Ukraine on the compliance of the software with regulatory documents on TPI and is included in the list of information technical protection tools allowed to ensure technical protection state information resources and information.
A set of security services: {КА-1, КА-2, КО-1, ЦА-1, ЦА-2, ЦО-1, ДР-1, ДС-3, ДЗ-2, ДВ-2, НР-3, НИ-3, НК-2, НО-3, НЦ-1, НТ-3, НВ-1} implemented in accordance with the level of guarantees of security services Г-2 for automated systems of classes AC-2, AC-3.
Implements protection of information with limited access (ISI) (including official information, confidential personal information (personal data), information constituting a trade secret, etc.)

!!!  A T T E N T I O N  !!!

Expert opinion No. 1221 and No. 28EB applies only (!) if the following conditions are met:
✔ the product was received officially, according to the procedure and mechanism of software distribution and implementation, assessed in the expert opinion, from the owner of the expert opinion - UALinux LLC or its authorized distributors (organizations/individuals);
✔ software installation and basic security settings are performed in accordance with the requirements and within the scope of functions of the evaluated security profile defined by the appendix to the Administrator's Instructions: "Setting the parameters of the secure mode of operation";
✔ obligatory official technical support of the product is carried out from the owner of the expert opinion of UALinux LLC or its authorized distributors (organizations/individuals);
✔ product update is carried out only according to the order and configuration management mechanism evaluated in the expert opinion from the secure storage of UALinux LLC.

One kit is for one server.

• distribution kit "Protected PLVMC Proxmox VE" (DVD/USB-media or Internet address for downloading an ISO-image from the resource of UALinux LLC);
• a copy of the expert opinion No. 1221 / No. 28EB on the system registered with the Administration of the SSSCIP of Ukraine;
• (CD) file chksum.txt containing the checksum value (HASH of the ISO image file) of the installation distribution;
• (CD) file proxmox_package.txt containing a description of the installation software package;
• (CD) installation and update instructions.
• (CD) administrator instructions: "Proxmox VE Administration Guide"
• sheet of PROXMOX compliance with the requirements of technical protection of information;
• appendix to the administrator's instructions: "Configuring the parameters of the protected mode of operation";
• access key to the secure UALinux repository to receive PROXMOX VE updates;
• certificate and license agreement on granting rights to use the software product;
• technical support ticket.

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Delivery time of the order - from 5 to 14 days