We have created a testing system in order to:

descriptionTo create a quality test, it is required to conduct a series of complex and sometimes lengthy procedures. Our tests are compiled strictly according to the scheme described below, therefore, they are of very high quality.

Search for strong professionals. Our tests are made by strong practitioners, usually with certificates from Western vendors. The process of search and selection of the compilers of tests is very scrupulous, since only a small part of potential compilers are able to create a high-quality and complete test.

Development of tests. First, we make a test plan, breaking it into thematic blocks, theory and practice. Then proceed to the drafting of questions. The development of examinations is carried out in accordance with strict rules that regulate which issues need to be compiled and which will not be admitted to beta testing.

Beta testing. This is the longest process of the whole chain, but it is very important. In the process of beta testing, users pass the test, leaving their comments to the questions. We get the opinion of users about the issues and indications of possible shortcomings. Sometimes in the process of beta testing, we resort to the help of expert reviewers.

Analysis of the results and refinement of tests. Having carefully studied the results of the beta test, as well as the comments of the test, we are finalizing the test. In this case, some of the questions may be replaced or deleted.

And only after passing this series of procedures, the test becomes the official exam from UALinux.
